General Information

coding-tasks-awesometeam created by GitHub Classroom

General Information

See Home Page
See Task 1 Page
See Task 2 Page
See Task 3 Page


Git is a collaborative open-source version control system This means a history of pushed changes make it easy to rollback/rollforward to easily make changes. This also make it easy to work with others as you can share code to work on the same project It makes use of branches, where you make ‘alternate timelines’ to test out code before pushing it to the main code. Anyone can create repositories where it gets stored on GitHub to back-up code or to share! You can use GitHub Pages to load md/html files - Go to Settings, On the left side-bar click ‘pages’, then on source section click the ‘none’ button and provide a branch. This will display that branches index.html page or file as your webpage.

Editing Files

There are two ways to edit the files here.

Using Gitpod

To load Gitpod: search where # is your GitHub web address.

Git commands

These are commands you can type into the terminal.

Command   Description  
git add filename   Adds the file to the staging area. filename can be replaced with . to add all files.  
git commit -m meaningfullDescriptionHereInQuotes   Used after add. This is to give it a comment on what you have changed.  
git add push origin main   Pushes all your changes to the repository in the main branch  
git pull {repo link}/--rebase   Incorporates changes from a remote repository into the current branch. If changes are made by your teammates while you are working, you need to update your repository with the updated one to push your changes.  
git branch -b newName   A branch is like a timeline. If you want to test ideas without affecting the main code, it is useful to make a branch and merge it later when it is ready.  
git checkout -b branchname   check-out the branch you are interested in; giving you a local working copy.  
git status   List all new or modified files  
git diff   Show file differences that haven’t been staged  

General Workflow

How to fork

Forking a repository copies the whole repository into your own account.

Pull Request

When you want to edit a file on GitHub, you’ll create a pull request where you suggest to the host to push your changes to add more functionality or fix bugs.

Checking Answers

Solutions are in the answer branch. To switch branches you can use git branch, or by clicking main at the bottom of Gitpod then branch.

Personal Access Token

I cannot push my changes as I need an access token? To generate a personal access token to sign in instead of password: