
coding-tasks-awesometeam created by GitHub Classroom


Beginner Level
See Home Page
See Task 2 Page
See Task 3 Page
See Information Page

Task Information and Instructions

The purpose of this task is to introduce you to Java Methods and handling with numbers. There are two files for you to look at: Calculator.java, and Calculator2.java. The first one is a demo code to look at how classes and methods work.

Most of the tasks you have to do is on Calculator2.java. The aim of this is to make it capable of performing the quadratic formula, by breaking it up into smaller parts. The setup for the methods are there. You just need to add in the right numbers: squaring b; 4AC; square root 4AC etc

Keywords (completed):

Open this file in the GitHub editor/ Gitpod (Task1.md file) - match keywords with definitions. Copy and Paste.




System.out.println("Hello World");
System.out.println(10 + 10);

Introductory Tasks (Completed):

Main Tasks:

Open calculator2.java


Save your work

Calculator 1 status:

See report on Calculator 1

Calculator 2 status:

See report on Calculator 2

Answers to the programming tasks are in the ‘answer’ branch.

Predict answers:

Optional. Embed an IDE to code here.

Want to code on the webpage? Steps:

Don’t be alarmed if there is a 404 error below. If you want, paste your link when you edit this file.